Sunday 10 August 2014

Inimitable, irreplaceable and the exceptional first hand sales and marketing experience of a lifetime-MAHA MANDI 2014!

Phase 1(in NITIE):
Boy1:I think we have got more inventory than the others...
Boy2:I think we have chosen the wrong market...
Boy3:I don't think we can make it...
Boy4:I have a doubt, how will we sell in rain...

Phase 2(in the MARKET):
Boy 4: Guys its raining...see i told you all...and now we can't sell any one...
Boy 1: Lets start selling here...
Boy 2: Ok
Boy 3: Let's get our first sales done here itself...
Man X: Who gave you the permission to sell here...come with me...
             He, took us to some senior guy, and he told us that we need permission from some Mr. Z to             sell/promote/advertise anything in this area....So, you better go and take his permission first!
Boy 1: See the permission letter we have got is useless....I tell you the MiG team must have given us the permission letter of previous year...
Boy 2: Wait let's get the permission from Mr. Z
Boy 3: Man!! It'll be a waste of time let's change the market
Boy 4:Let's see if Mr. Z is there in his office...

Phase 3(Got The Permission):
Boy 2: Now let's roll...
Boy 1: lets divide in groups of 2 and sell...
Boy 3: That's more like it...
Boy 4: Let's do it!

Phase 4(Nervous,anxious,stammered...First Sale):
The first sale was done somehow, stammering, missing and screwing a few points...after we got through our first sale....we got the much needed 

The first sale that we made was the kick that was required to carry on till we exhausted our inventory running from pillar to post.

Phase 5(Cruised through):
Within an hour we managed to sell all our inventory and we found that this MAHA MANDI 2014 was a teacher on the rocks.....we did all that Dr. Mandi taught us unconciously....and then realised what we did was all....SOCHO!!BECHO!!SIKHO!!!

My Maha Mandi poster :

Suggestions for next Maha Mandi :
A proper clearance for all the areas targeted should be made ready before hand.

Dr. Mandi took us from closed room classes to the room where the world takes the class!
I never knew that we could actually learn something fruitful by selling something on the streets alongwith other street vendors.

But what Dr. Mandi did was not less than a magicians trick and I along with all my Mandi members are still mesmerised by with the effectiveness and teaching which we got in an hour or so.....That was all possible just because of one man who is an army in himself.... Prof Dr. Mandi!!


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