Tuesday 22 July 2014

अपने काम से प्यार करो!कोई भी काम छोटा या बड़ा नहीं होता!

This simple video will explain how the EMPLOYEE should treat his/her ORGANISATION and give it all inspite of the prevailing difficulties and overcome as a winner in whatever job you do.

Such a simple story with a deep meaning.
The bird is doing the most
task from the perspective of other's.....but what has he done is-he has overcome all odds and has made it possible,realistic,attainable,achievable inspite of all sorts of troubles. Finding ways to make the task easy and enjoyable.

What do we see from the dark cloud whose job is to create wild animals?
Nothing wrong with that actually.
Without the dark cloud, the ecosystem won't run in balance.
He is creating some of the important creatures in the highest level of the food chains.

He contributes something that is essential.
That is his responsibility.
But he keeps on comparing his creation with the other clouds who create cute and harmless creatures.
He wants to do what his friends can do.
And forgetting the fact, that his responsibility is not less important than his friends'.

He looks down on his own ability.

Some of us are just like the dark cloud.
We look down on whatever it is that being given into our hands, because we simply think that it is not that important, comparing what is being given to others' hands.
Be grateful for whatever it is that is in your hands.

That's the first lesson I learned.

The second is about the bird.

He understands that his colleague, the dark cloud, is having a big responsibility.
Even though it's also hard for him to be a very supportive colleague.
He has the choice to leave the dark cloud alone, but he stays.
His job is to stay loyal to him.
Support him.

So, the bird, ie, the EMPLOYEE, stays loyal to his ORGANISATION, by understanding his responsibility. And thus is able to add to the greater cause, in this case plays a vital role in maintaing the balance in the food chain.

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